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Additional Information Regarding Baker County Coordination.


We wish to clarify Baker County's current position concerning the Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision.

Today, Commissioner Whitham provided us with a letter indicating that Baker County had engaged in coordination with the Forest Service regarding the Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision. Commissioner Witham explicitly stated, "Please see our letter confirming coordination with all three forest supervisors for the BMFPR in response to the false email sent yesterday.  Also, yes, we did sign the MOU, and that does NOT diminish any coordination that WE DO have in place; it only enhances our standing with the three forests.  Please keep the information truthful."

We, along with other members of the public, had requested this information as early as late April 2024, and it was not provided until today, after we received information from the Forest Service on 1/28/25.

We appreciate Commissioner Witham's communication in sharing this information and clarifying that Baker County has entered into a dual agreement regarding discussions on the Forest Plan Revision. There was no intention to make "false" statements; we simply provide the information available to us at the time.

However, we pose this question: What is the purpose of entering into an agreement that designates the Forest Service as the "lead agency," where the U.S. Forest Service retains final responsibility for the content of all NEPA documents, including the Draft EIS, the Final EIS, and the ROD(s)? The U.S. Forest Service's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, determining the purpose and need, selecting alternatives for analysis, conducting necessary analyses or requesting that the appropriate cooperating agency complete certain analyses, identifying effects of the proposed alternatives, selecting the preferred alternative, and determining appropriate mitigation measures.

Why is the County permitting the Purpose and Need and Alternatives to be determined without its direct involvement during the development phase, which is a critical step, only involving them once these have been finalized?

Baker County has its strategy, and we will respect that, even though we don't fully understand the reasoning.

Once again, thank you, Commissioner Witham, for providing the information.

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